Picking a Tenant 101: Can I Pick My Own?

I want to know who’s living in my property. Can I pick my own tenant?  Many property owners are concerned about picking the right tenants. It’s understandable, you want to protect your investment. However, what some investors might not understand & really should be aware of is that there are certain laws and regulations you have…

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Moving Out? Clean Your Home & Earn Cash for Old Items

 It has come to my attention that a lot of property owners who are entering the Golden Years of their life, are now heading either to Florida or just downgrading to an easier way of living. Whatever the move might be, I have seen a lot of homes with a lot of, lets just say,…

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Rent Market Value: Can I Charge Above it?

Can you get above market rent for your rental property? We all want to get the most money from our rental property. As investors, we look for ways to maximize our profits. When it comes to rental property, you can get above market rents, but it should align with your long term investment strategy.  Most…

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Understanding the Balcony Law for Rental Properties

Own a property with a balcony? The new balcony law could cost you thousands of dollars after you buy it! Sam Fernley here with TrueDoor property management, creating content for property owners and realtors here in southern CA. California enacted two balcony laws, Senate Bill 721 in 2018 and SB 326 in 2019. Buildings with…

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Finding a Tenant While Living at Your Rental

Hi rental property owners. Can you find a tenant while living at the property? You are a property owner that is moving out of your home or condo and want to keep it as a rental. Good move!  Should you start looking for a tenant now? Or, should you wait until you have moved out?…

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Investigating Santa Ana’s Just Cause Ordinance: What it Means for Rental Owners

Santa Ana’s city council just passed a Just Cause Eviction Ordinance October of 2021. What does this means for property owners in Santa Ana? Sam Fernley here with TrueDoor property management, creating content for Realtors and Property Owners in Orange County, California! What’s in Santa Ana’s new ordinance? Now let me explain this Just Cause…

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Top Tools to Boost Rental Income

key to cypress rental property attached to a label that says "Rental Income"

Owning a rental property in Cypress means committing to running a business. While investing in property as a landlord isn’t your typical idea of what a business looks like, you still have the responsibility of making a profit each month. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t do this on your own. If you do, it…

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Landlord’s Guide to Cleaning Anaheim Rental Properties

Anaheim property managers cleaning rental home

When a tenant moves out of your rental property in Anaheim, your first instinct probably is to list the vacancy right away and get a new tenant in there as quickly as possible. Hold your horses there, landlord! Before you get a new tenant in the property, there are some things you need to do…

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Keep Your Orange County Property & Tenants Safe With These Useful Tips

Deadbolt lock being installed on front door by orange county property management

Everyone wants to feel safe where they live – including your tenants in Orange County. As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to ensure your property is safe and secure. Property crimes may be 3% lower in Huntington Beach than the national average, but it’s still important to take precautions and prevent crimes from happening. You…

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